The tip of the pencil - when it comes to Photoshop Scripts
Carpe Fonts!!
Style Sets for Fonts
For this set of Free font and shape Styles for Photoshop and Elements,
Click on the Download button, in the top right panel.

* These Styles are developed by Pencil Pixels are not for resale. By downloading these files, you agree to, and are bound by these terms.
If you wish to repost, or social network the images, link to this page for the downloads and tag them as 'Styles by Pencil Pixels'.

For great speciality Styles, click here
Download Set 12
Styles by PencilPixels
Styles by PencilPixels
Styles by PencilPixels
Styles by PencilPixels
Styles by PencilPixels
Styles by PencilPixels
Styles by PencilPixels
Styles by PencilPixels

This download file of 8 styles is a Photoshop .asl file which you load into your Styles pallet. If you need to find out how to load Styles, click here.
   We've developed these Styles to show some possible ways you can display your fonts. Now, extend your creativity for photo albums and scrap-booking work with very little effort.
The Pencil Pixels Font and Shape Photoshop Styles, & representative images, are not for resale or reposting elsewhere. By downloading these style files, you agree to, and are bound by these terms.
Click above to download the entire set of styles on this page. Pencil Pixels' Photoshop Styles can be applied to shapes & text.
Art tools of my past making Photoshop tools of the future - PencilPixels
      Like us on FB & know when NEW/FREE effects and styles are available.

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Please contact us if you have problems in downloading, encounter any issues or have suggestions. Be sure to indicate if you're on Mac or Windows and the version of Photoshop you are running

unique shape

One-Click Frame

If you're unsure how to install Styles in your Photoshop application,
click Loading PSD Styles